

日期:2024年09月25日 16:40 作者:










1. 主持,天津自然科学基金青年项目(17JCQNJC12700, 2017-2020

2. 主持,bet365官网教委科研计划项目(自然科学重点)(2022ZD0092022-2025

3. 参与,bet365官网科技计划项目(中央引导地方科技发展资金)22ZYCGSN004802022-2023

4. 主持,负责多项测试仪器横向项目,到账经费80余万



[1] 秦转萍,刘欣霖,路光达,张伟,刘东远,高峰. 面向运动决策识别的fNIRS-BCI应用研究[J]. 中国激光,20248月出版. EI期刊论文)

[2] Zhuanping Qin, Wenhao Sun, Tinghang Guo, Guangda Lu. Colorectal cancer image recognition algorithm based on improved transformer[J]. Discover Applied Sciences, 2024642201-11. EI期刊论文)

[3] Zhuanping Qin, Xiaoyun Tao, Tinghang Guo, et al. Design and development of a lower extremity rehabilitation training system f or myoelectric assessment[C]. Lect.Notes Electr.Eng. 2024, 1033:537-546. (EI 会议论文)

[4] Xie, Jinbin, He, Xiangdong, Zhang, Limin, Li, Jiao, Qin, Zhuanping*, Gao, Feng*; Diffuse correlation spectroscopy towards dynamic topography of blood flow index in deep tissues: A multi-channel system and experiment validation , Infrared Physics & Technology, 2020, 107: 103298.     (SCI期刊论文)

[5] 回子帆, 谢锦斌, 何向东, 秦转萍*,  高峰*. 一种多通道扩散相关拓扑成像系统及方法, 中国激光, 2019, 46(9).     (EI期刊论文)

[6] Qin Zhuanping*, Ma Wenjuan, Ren Shuyan,  Geng Liqing,  Li Jing, Yang Ying, Qin Yingmei.  An endoscopic diffuse optical tomographic method with high resolution based on the improved FOCUSS method , Conference on Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue XII, San Francisco,America, 2017-01-302017-02-01.     (EI会议论文)

[7] 秦转萍, 杨彦双, 赵会娟*, 周晓青, 侯强, 范颖, 高峰*. 基于有效探测区域的频域内窥式漫射层析成像系统 , 纳米技术与精密工程, 2014, (02): 122-129.     (期刊论文)

[8] Qin,Zhuanping; Cui, Shanshan; Zhao, Huijuan*; Zhou, Xiaoqing; Jia, Mengyu; Yang, Yanshuang; Fan, Ying; Gao, Feng; An endoscopic diffuse optical tomographic method based on the effective detection range , Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2013, 21(4): 527-543.     (SCI期刊论文)

[9] Guangda Lu, Wenhao Sun, Zhuanping Qin and Tinghang Guo. Real-Time Dynamic Gesture Recognition Algorithm Based on Adaptive Information Fusion and Multi-Scale Optimization TransformerJournal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 2023, 27(6): 1096-1107.ESCIEI期刊论文

[10] Wenhao Sun; Guangda Lu* ; Zhangzhuang Zhao; Tinghang Guo; Zhuanping Qin and Yu Han. Regional Time-Series Coding Network and Multi-View Image Generation Network for Short-Time Gait Recognition. Entropy 2023, 25, 837.SCIE期刊论文  

[11] Guangda Lu, Jianyi Dai, Zhuanping Qin, et al. Research on Intelligent Monitoring and Irrigation System for Farmland Based on IoT and 5GTechnology[C]//2023 8th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering (CACRE). IEEE, 2023: 24-28.EI会议论文  

[12] 孙文昊, 路光达*, 秦转萍. 引入GAN与可变形注意力的多维人体运动分析[J].电子测量技术, 2023, 46(16):78-88.(北大核心期刊论文



1. 秦转萍; 路光达; 杨阳; 王园; 李光泽; 一种偏瘫病人康复训练装置 , 2018-03-21, 中国, ZL201820385877.0.

2. 秦转萍; 路光达; 杨阳; 王园; 李光泽; 具有GPS定位和语言识别功能的智能导盲杖 , 2018-03-21, 中国, ZL201820386709.3.

3. 秦转萍; 路光达; 杨阳; 王园; 李光泽; 一种具有语言识别功能的智能盲人门锁 , 2018-03-21, 中国, ZL201820385875.1.

4. 秦转萍; 路光达; 杨阳; 王园; 李光泽; 智障训练装置 , 2018-03-21, 中国, ZL201820387248.1.

5. 秦转萍; 路光达; 杨阳; 王园; 李光泽; 一种儿童牙刷牙杯 , 2018-03-21, 中国, ZL201820385880.2.