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4. 主持,便携式人体生命指征监测系统研发(中国科学院支持天津滨海新区建设科技行动计划项目:TJZX2-YW-06)
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[1] 陈庆斌, 杨耿煌, 耿丽清, 等. 考虑源荷不确定性和柔性负荷的综合能源系统低碳运行调度[J]. 太阳能学报. (EI)
[2] 陈庆斌, 杨耿煌, 耿丽清, 等. 基于相似日选取和数据重构的短期光伏功率组合预测[J/OL]. 中国电力, 1-11[2024-11-04].
[3] 陈庆斌, 杨耿煌, 耿丽清, 等. 高校智能电表缺失数据修复方法[J]. 国外电子测量技术, 2024, 43(05): 136-143.
[4] Chen Q, Yang G, Geng L. Short Term Power Load Combination Forecasting Method Based on Feature Extraction[J]. IEEE Access, 2024(12): 51619-51629. SCI
[5] 陈庆斌, 杨耿煌, 耿丽清, 等. 基于改进麻雀搜索算法的配送中心选址研究[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2023, 33(02): 14-19.
[6] Chen Q, Yang G, Su J. Short Term Photovoltaic Power Combined Forecasting Based on Feature Extraction[C]//2023 4th International Conference on Power Engineering (ICPE). IEEE, 2023: 370-376. (EI:20241615939828)
[7] Yang G, Chen Q, Geng L, et al. Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting Based on Sequential Quadratic Decomposition and SSA-LSTM-Attention Model[C]//2023 5th International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems (SPIES). IEEE, 2023: 222-228. (EI:20241615936527).
[8] 陈庆斌, 杨耿煌, 耿丽清等. 基于改进麻雀搜索算法的配送中心选址研究[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2023, 33(02): 14-19.
[9] 郑虎虎, 叶剑华, 杨耿煌等. 风光储一体电动汽车充电站混合储能容量优化配置[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2023, 33(03): 24-30.
[10] 杨耿煌, 李亮亮. 基于线阵相机的透明胶囊漏液检测方法研究[J]. 自动化仪表, 2023, 44(10): 30-34+38.
[11] Xiuyun Z, Zhiqiang W, Genghuang Y. Fast position predictive control with current and speed limits for permanent magnet motor systems without weight coefficients[J]. Journal of Power Electronics, 2023, 23(4):625-636.
[12] Wang HaiTeng, Yang Genghuang, Hao Xiayi, Geng Liqing. Automotive Gear Defect Detection Method based on Yolov8 Algorithm[C]//Asia Symposium on Image Processing, ASIP 2023.
[13] Yuan Mingzhi, Geng Liqing, Yang Genghuang, Liu Yuxi. Inner Wall Abnormality Detection of Rotationg Shaft Based on Deep Learning[C]//ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, p 64-70, May 26, 2023, ICMSSP 2023.
[14] 尹昌庆, 杨耿煌, 湾世伟等. 纳米材料介电屏蔽型光学电压互感器设计[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2022, 32(01): 1-7.
[15] 董建, 陈昊, 杨耿煌等. 稀疏扫描型医用CT的快速成像算法开发[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2022, 32(01): 7-13.
[16] 关鹏宇, 杨耿煌, 董建等. 高光强的全光纤电流互感器设计[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2022, 32(02): 36-40.
[17] 王保力, 杨耿煌, 张国正等. 储能站锂电池仓抑爆灭火控制系统设计[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2022, 32(04): 24-28.
[18] Pang Dangfeng, Cui Shigang, Yang Genghuang. Remote Laboratory as an Educational Tool in Robotics Experimental Course[J]. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, v 17, n 21, p: 230-245, 2022.
[19] 董建, 陈昊, 孟庆宽等. 低剂量照射条件下CT影像快速重建算法研究[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2021, 31(02): 1-7+85.
[20] 刘永江, 杨耿煌, 董建等. 高动态范围红外图像压缩与细节增强算法[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2021, 31(04): 52-57.
[21] Liu Yi, Yang Genghuang, Li Xiang, et al. Anti-counterfeiting technology of toner based on rare earth oxide[C]//ITAIC 2020 – IEEE 9th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference, p: 1401-1405, 2020, ITAIC 2020.
[22] 董建, 毕丹阳, 杨耿煌等. 探测器故障下医用CT图像重建的容错算法开发[J]. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, 2020, 30(01): 7-12+25.
[23] 姚舜, 杨耿煌, 张莹梅, 路光达. 微机继电保护实验教学通用平台的设计开发. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, p: 48-53, 2019, 29(02).
[24] Shun Yao, Genghuang Yang. Research on Integration of Theory and Practice Teaching Mode of Power System Relay Protection Course. 5th International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education, 2019.
[25] Zhang, Yingmei, Yang, Genghuang, et al. Research on Identification and Processing Method for Abnormal Data of Residential Electric Power Consumption, 3rd International Electrical and Energy Conference, 2019
[26] Yi Liu, Genghuang Yang, et al. The Design and Implementation of Control Systems for Toner Production Line,4th Advanced Information Technology Electronic and Automation Control Conference, 2019
[27] Limin Huo, Genghuang Yang, et al. Design and Implementation of Universal Platform for Teaching Experimental of Microcomputer Relay Protection, FCPAE Europe Forum & International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Manufacturing, 2019.
[28] Zhang Y ,Yang G ,Hao X , et al.Research on Prediction Model of Line Loss Rate in Transformer District Based on LM Numerical Optimization and BP Neural Network[J].IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 252(3): 032095 (7pp).
[29] 张莹梅, 杨耿煌, 李明林, 路光达. 低压台区变压器用电数据聚类模型研究. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, p: 8-12, 2019, 29(04).
[30] 孙文彬, 杨耿煌. 三联供系统微电网制冷节能性分析. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, p: 17-20, 2018, 28(01).
[31] Genghuang Yang, Xin Su, et al. Energy-saving Analysis of Refrigeration System in Micro-grid with Combined Cooling, Heating & Power Generation, The 2nd International Forum on Environment, Materials and Energy, 2018.
[32] Xiayi Hao, Genghuang Yang. Research of Power Consumers Behavior and Corresponding Electric Service Strategy Using FCM Algorithm, 7th International Symposium on Electronical Engineering and Information Processing, 2018.
[33] Genghuang Yang, Xiayi Hao, et al. Research and Application of Power Consumers Behavior Analysis Based on K-means Algorithm, 5th International Conference on Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology, 2018.
[34] Shun Yao, Genghuang Yang, Yingmei Zhang, Xiayi Hao. Research of Informatization Solutions in Class Management. 8th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2018.
[35] Zhang, Yingmei, Yang, Genghuang, et al. Research on Prediction Model of Line Loss Rate in Transformer District Based on LM Numerical Optimization and BP Neural Network,4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Material Application,2018.
[36] Wenbin Sun, Genghuang Yang, et al. Research on Smooth Switching Method of Micro-grid Operation, The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent and Interactive System and Applications, 2017.
[37] Xin Su, Genghuang Yang, et al. Penetration Level Permission of Small Hydropower Station in Distributed Network, The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent and Interactive System and Applications, 2017.
[38] Xiayi Hao, Genghuang Yang, et al. Simulation and Research on the Rotor Flux Linkage of Asynchronous Motor, The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent and Interactive System and Applications, 2017.
[39] Qiang Fang, Genghuang Yang, et al. Application of Fuzzy PID Control for Oil Temperature in Overvoltage Withstand Test, The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent and Interactive System and Applications, 2017.
[40] Genghuang Yang, Jiguang Wang, et al. Design and Implementation of PLC Based Reclosing Device on Synchronization Line of Small Hydropower Stations, IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy, 2016.
[41] Jiguang Wang, Genghuang Yang, et al. Design and Implementation of Energy-saving Control of Fan based on PLC, IEEE International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy, 2016.
[42] 王继广, 杨耿煌, 孙文彬. 基于变频电源的风机节能控制系统设计. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, p: 30-35, 2016, 26(02).
[43] 郑文栋, 杨耿煌, 曹明哲. 基于烟气分析仪的数据采集与处理系统设计. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, p: 11-14, 2015, 25(02).
[44] 杨耿煌, 李享, 曹明哲, 郑文栋. 便携式人体生命指征监测系统研发. 天津职业技术师范大学学报, p: 18-20, 2014, 24(01).
[45] Mingkun Ma, Genghuang Yang. Portable Monitoring Instrument Based on ARM and LINUX, The 2nd International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation and Automation, 2013.
[46] Genghuang Yang. The Application of Temperature Control System based on MCU in Insulating Property Tester, Proceedings of 2012 IET International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, 2012.
[47] Genghuang Yang. The Design of Insulating Property Tester Control System, Proceedings of 2012 IET International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, 2012.
[48] 杨耿煌, 陈君, 刘东辉. 煤矿开采竖井机械传动作业对讲机语音辅助装置. 现代科学仪器, p: 22-26, 2012(01).
[49] 杨耿煌, 赵丽, 崔世钢. 基于脑电和肌电信号的人机信息交互装置. 机床与液压, p: 72-76, 2011, 39(17).
[50] 卢胜利, 杨耿煌, 刘玉亮, 李辉. 职技高师电气技术教育专业计算机课程群研究与实践. 职业技术教育, p: 29-32, 2011, 32(23).
[51] 杨耿煌, 刘玉亮. 电缆局部放电监测系统数据采集动态链接库设计. 现代科学仪器, p: 12-15, 2011(02).
[52] 杨耿煌, 刘玉亮. 电缆局部放电数据采集系统的设计. 现代科学仪器, p: 19-22, 2011(01).
[53] Genghuang Yang. ARM and DSP Based Device for Power Quality Monitoring, Advances in Electronic Engineering, Communication and Management, 2011.
[54] Genghuang Yang. Wireless Data Acquisition and Control System Based on DCS, Advances in Electronic Engineering, Communication and Management, 2011.
[55] Genghuang Yang. Design and Implementation of Induction Motor Control System, Advanced Materials Research, 2011.
[56] Genghuang Yang. Programmable Scheme for DSP and Application in Small Hydropower Station, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2011.
[57] Genghuang Yang. Correlation Processing Based De-noising Method for Power Quality Disturbance, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2011.
[58] Genghuang Yang. Design and Implementation of Data Acquisition for Partial Discharge in Power Cable, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2011.
[59] Genghuang Yang. Speech Based Assisted Mini-device for Interphone in Shaft in Coal Mining, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2011.
[60] Genghuang Yang, Longteng Xiao, Li Zhao and Shigang Cui. Design and implementation of a brain-computer interface based on virtual instrumentation, Int. J. Advanced Mechatronic Systems (IJAmechs), 2010.
[61] Genghuang Yang, Li Zhao, Shigang Cui. Automatic Irrigation System Based on Wireless Network, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, 2010.
[62] Genghuang Yang, Li Zhao, Shigang Cui. Research of Portable Community-Oriented Health Monitoring Terminal, The 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, 2010.
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2. 窦强, 杨耿煌, 李享等. 更鞋柜[P]. bet365官网: CN306835957S, 2021-09-21.
3. 窦强, 杨耿煌, 李享等. 通道门[P]. bet365官网: CN306990705S, 2021-12-10.
4. 窦强, 杨耿煌, 李享等. 一种基于RFID的回收柜[P]. bet365官网: CN215895559U, 2022-02-22.
5. 杨耿煌, 李享, 郝夏毅等. 一种基于无线射频技术的医用织物检测通道门[P]. bet365官网: CN215895466U, 2022-02-22.
6. 窦强, 杨耿煌, 李享等. 一种医用织物发放柜[P]. bet365官网: CN215932738U, 2022-03-01.
7. 杨耿煌. 净水设备内部的膜丝通量测试控制系统[P]. bet365官网: CN107126844B, 2023-03-14.
8. 王保力, 杨耿煌, 李亮亮等. 储能电站抑爆灭火控制系统和储能电站[P]. bet365官网: CN218675740U, 2023-03-21.
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10. 金顺成, 杨耿煌, 李享等. 一种医废回收车[P]. bet365官网: CN219193331U, 2023-06-16.
11. 魏德立, 江菊元, 朱轶群等. 多负荷的系统[P]. bet365官网: CN111981720B, 2024-02-20.