1. 2014/09-2021 /03 天津大学,仪器科学与技术专业,博士
2. 2004/09-2007/03 天津大学,测试计量技术及仪器专业,硕士
3. 2000/09-2004/07 天津大学,计算机科学与技术专业,本科双学位
4. 1999/09-2004/07 天津大学,生物医学工程专业,本科
工作经历:2007/04-今 天津职业技术师范大学 教师
学术兼职:教育部学位论文评审专家、担任IEEE SMC、JNER、COMPUT BIOL MED等知名SCI期刊审稿人。
1) Yan Bian, Li Zhao, Jiaying Li, Tong Guo, Xing Fu, Hongzhi Qi. Improvements in Classification of Left and Right Foot Motor Intention Using Modulated Steady-State Somatosensory Evoked Potential Induced by Electrical Stimulation and Motor Imagery[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2023, 31:150-158. (SCI)
2) Yan Bian, Hongzhi Qi, Li Zhao, Dong Ming, Tong Guo, Xing Fu, Improvements in event-related desynchronization and classification performance of motor imagery using instructive dynamic guidance and complex tasks. Computers in biology and medicine. 2018,96:266-273. (SCI)
3) Yan Bian, Hongzhi Qi, Li Zhao, Dong Ming, Tong Guo, Xing Fu. Dynamic visual guidance with complex task improves intracortical source activities during motor imagery. NeuroReport, 2019, 30: 645-652.(SCI)
4) 边琰,赵丽,孙永,ASMI-BCI 特征调制及分类性能研究[J],电子测量与仪器学报,2022,36(3):224-230.
5) 边琰,赵丽,傅星,綦宏志. 不同视觉辅助刺激下运动想象大脑皮层因果连接网络特性分析. 中国生物医学工程学报,2020,39(6):685-692.
6) Zhikun Zhuan,Yan Bian,Research on Hybrid Online Brain-Computer Interface System Based on MI-mVEP, ASIP 2023,Tianjin,China,2023.06.(EI)
7) Xiaoyou Liu, Yan Bian and Lihui Geng, Subspace Identification of a MIMO Wafer Rapid Thermal Processing System, 2022 China Automation Congress (CAC), Xiamen, China, 2022.(EI)
8) 张志雯, 赵丽, 边琰, 何兴霖, 孟铜宁. 基于ELM和SVM皮电信号情绪分类识别的研究[J]. 自动化与仪器仪表,2023(07):10-13.
9) Wan Jiale,Li Zhao,Yan Bian,Research on the Online Recognition of the Motion Image of the Adjacent Joints of the Lower Limbs,2022 7th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing,Tianjin,China,2022.(EI)
10) 李嘉莹,赵丽,边琰,李敏,贾志超.电刺激辅助下肢运动想象特征分类以增强康复训练研究[J].生物医学工程学杂志,2021,38(03):425-433. (EI)
11) Fangqing Guo, Li Zhao, Yan Bian and Zhiwen Zhang. Research on Classification and Recognition of Emotional EEG Signal Based on Extreme Learning Machine[C], 2021 IEEE 5th Information Technology, Networking,Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC), Xi'an, China, 2021. (EI)
3、 Linnik型干涉光谱测量薄膜的非线性相位补偿方法